Category: Electronics

RC Circuits: Charge/Discharge Times & Curve Shapes

RC Circuits: Charge/Discharge Times & Curve Shapes

t = -log((V-Vc)/V)R*C 63% change in charge for 1xRC Charging time in seconds ….. μF x MΩ = seconds – eg 10μF x 0.1MΩ (100kΩ) = 1s Charging time being the time it takes to CHARGE to 63% of the supply voltage (which is also the voltage required for logic high)

Opto-isolator (SFH628)

Opto-isolator (SFH628)

Definitely had it working with smooth output using 100nF & 100kΩ and with 10µF & 10kΩ but those are not equivalent RC values so also try 1kΩ if needed for other reasons, eg below Also now need to try with Vout feeding a microcontroller. Which will need its input pin pulling low (so 10kΩ might …

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