Category: Node-RED

HOW-TO Easily Install and Secure MariaDB MySQL Server

HOW-TO Easily Install and Secure MariaDB MySQL Server

This HOW-TO is an easy step-by-step guide to getting a MySQL server working on a Raspberry Pi including setting up user authentication. If you haven’t yet set up your Pi here’s a HOW-TO: You can skip this step but it’s a useful base that ensures a good start: Start by updating (if you …

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WiFi-enabled AC Light Switch

WiFi-enabled AC Light Switch

A light switch that can be incorporated into a 2-way household switching circuit to add WiFi control while leaving the existing switching working in a way that requires the user to have no knowledge of the WiFi switch and allows installation using wiring conventions that are recognisable to anyone familiar with traditional 2-way switches. Troubleshooting …

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