Tag: notification

How-to: Nagios MQTT notifications

How-to: Nagios MQTT notifications

Introduction Having got email notifications working from Nagios and being inundated with emails that I will no doubt ignore I got to thinking about how I could automate various other tasks depending on the state of the network. Nagios “knows” what’s up and what’s not. I have various devices on my network that can switch …

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How-to: Nagios email notifications

How-to: Nagios email notifications

This post is based on an article I read at https://www.unixmen.com/send-alerts-nagios-core-using-gmail-yahoo/ and assumes a working Nagios installation with at least a basic configuration as described here. However, I found that my configuration required some amendments to get it working. I found them by trial and error so decided to record my steps here for future …

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